Christians and Family Planning Providing up-to-date family planning and contraception information for the Christian community.
Informed Birth Control Choices
Whether you are looking for information about the diaphragm or cycle beads, or you want perspective on condoms or oral contraceptives, you've come to the right place. The contraceptive information provided here is designed to help Christians make an informed decision about birth control in accordance with their faith. How can you make an informed choice without facts? Learn about which method, if any, makes sense for you. Methods that have potentially dangerous side-effects or that threaten pre-born life are not recommended.
Contraceptive Facts
Remember that, apart from abstinence, all birth control methods sometimes fail, resulting in unplanned pregnancy, even if used correctly and consistently. Nonetheless, couples using good contraception in accordance with their church's teaching can greatly reduce the chances of unplanned pregnancy, even if that means using exclusively natural methods.
Unless otherwise noted, the statistics used here are gathered from studies of couples initiating a particular method of birth control for one year. Out of 100 women, the failure rate, or surprise pregnancy rate is the number of women who became pregnant using exclusively the birth control method indicated. As you will learn at this site, failure rates tend to be lower for couples who are married.
Family Planning and the Church
The information presented here is intended as an overview, not as an instructional source. Your physician or pharmacist is the best source for detailed information about the usage and potential side-effects of birth control drugs, devices, and procedures. Due to the variety of valid Christian perspectives on sex and fertility control, the information presented on this site may not perfectly match the teachings of your church. Consult your pastor, priest, or spiritual mentor for more information about the role of birth control in your spiritual walk.