Essential Hardware

CycleBeads offer an effective and natural way to predict ovulation, the most fertile time of the month.
Standard Days Method
What is the standard days method?
The Standard Days Method (SDM) is a natural method of birth control that is used with CycleBeads to predict periods of fertility and infertility in a woman's menstrual cycle.
How does the standard days method work?
To use the standard days method, a woman moves a ring over a series of color-coded beads (CycleBeads) that represent her fertile and low fertility days. The color of the beads lets her know whether she is on a day when she is likely to be fertile or not. White beads represent times of high fertility. By avoiding intercourse on fertile days, pregnancy is prevented.
SDM works best for women with regular menstrual cycles that are between 26 and 32 days long. Women with cycles outside this range should use a different method of natural family planning, such as the sympto-thermal method.
Annual Failure Rate
How effective is the the standard days method?
SDM has an overall annual failure rate of 12%. That means each year about 1 in 8 users of this method experience a surprise pregnancy. Research shows that for perfect users, the method has a failure rate of only 5%. Because this is a newer method, there are not yet any studies available comparing the effectiveness rates between married and single people. Also future studies may determine that this method is less effective than currently reported.
Side-effects and health risks of the standard days method:
Like other methods of natural family planning, there are no side effects or health risks because the user does not put anything into her body. There are no hormones, chemicals, or surgical procedures involved.
Considerations for Christians about the standard days method:
Most Christians do not have a moral objection to this method of natural birth control. This method is also acceptable to the Roman Catholic Church.
Related Links
- More about Calendar Methods: Contraceptive Information Resource (
- More about the Standard Days Method: Epigee Women's Resources (
- CycleBeads Web Site
Source for Failure Rates: Arevalo M. et al. (2002). Contraception, 65:333-338. CycleBeads website, "Research",